Dossier on Campaign “Boycott, Disinvestment, Sanctions Israel”

on July 22, 2017 Aktuelles and Tags: , , , with 0 comments

In the year 2010 the IWW in their referendum supported the Campaign “Boycott – Disinvestment – Sanctions Israel”. This support has not been uncontroversial. For example the Branches Rostock and Bremen distanced themselves from that resolution. After the constitutional reform which came in effect at January 1, 2017 the resolution is invalid.

We document the debate within the IWW in our dossier, edited by the editorial committee of the IWW in the German Language Area. In the occasion of an event of the FAU Berlin.

Within GLAMROC the issue has not been finally discussed and this dossier tries to build an shared stand of knowledge. That’s why we want to clarify that this is not a official statement of the IWW in the german language area.

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